Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Where are you located?

A. We are located in historic downtown Lineville, AL, just north of the main downtown intersection of AL 9 and AL 49. The map below indicates our location, and if you click the bottom left of the map, you’ll be taken to Google Maps where you can get directions to us from wherever you are!



Q. does LBC have a dress code?

A. We do not! You are welcome to be here just as you are. Some of our members still wear formal attire, but many wear casual attire as well.


Q. When does LBC meet?

A. We begin each Sunday with Small Groups at 8:30 AM. Our church then gathers for worship at 10:00 AM in the Sanctuary.

On Wednesday nights we meet for a fellowship meal at 5:30, then our children’s activities kick off at 6:00 PM. Adults and students (7th-12th grade) meet at 6:15 PM.


Q. What does LBC Believe?

A. LBC is an autonomous local church associated with the Carey Baptist Association, the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions, and the Southern Baptist Convention. We affirm the Baptist Faith and Message, 2000, which may be found at this link.


Q. Does LBC provide childcare?

A. We do! Our child care team provides care for children ages newborn to four years old. We care for your children in a secure, clean, well-kept environment, and anyone working with minors submits to a background check and a pastoral interview before they serve.